Łukasz Paluszkiewicz

[PL] Doświadczony trener, menedżer i lider projektów, który z sukcesem działa w sektorze przemysłowym, motoryzacyjnym, telekomunikacyjnym i lotniczym. Prowadził projekty obejmujące strategiczne inwestycyjne, R&D i rozwój oprogramowania, zręcznie łącząc wizję z precyzją techniczną. Pasjonat rozwoju osobistego i zapalony czytelnik. Do każdego projektu podchodzi z otwartym umysłem, wierząc, że szacunek, uśmiech i jasna komunikacja to klucze do pokonywania wyzwań i osiągania najlepszych rezultatów. [ENG] The collector of project environments. He managed and delivered projects in industrial, automotive, telecom, and aerospace industries. Project led by him delivered solutions for investment, transformations, acquisitions, transitions, R&D, hardware and software development. Because of his broad interests and willingness to share fun facts, colleagues call him a walking encyclopedia of unwanted knowledge. Fan of personal development, heavy books reader and plastic models’ enthusiast. Łukasz believes that smile, respect, and honest communication can open many doors.
Strefa Wywiadu
Technical PM

Name an Industry and Agile Is There – interview with Mohamed Khalifa Hassan

Łukasz Paluszkiewicz


Strefa PMI nr 23, listopad 2018

For me, Agile is a mindset. This is what the PMI insists to say in their new standard. Agile as a mindset more than tools and techniques. For sure there are different methodologies coming from the same mindset. If you look at Lean for example, Lean is considered as Agile methodology. However Lean was created long time ago. It’s not from 2001 when the Manifesto was made and the Agile principles were created. Agile principles were in use before the software development. That’s why Agile is definitely more mindset than a technique. This is what I want to say first.

Strefa Wiedzy
Strategy & Business

Agile Transformation – Perestroika of Our Times?

Łukasz Paluszkiewicz


Strefa PMI nr 40, marzec 2023

Although communism, due to historical reasons, has one, negative connotation in Poland, at the value level it is quite resonating. Wait, hear me out! It is based on equality, lack of oppression and exploitation. And it has started with an actual manifesto, just like agile.

Strefa Recenzji

Moda to wygoda, a może pułapka?

Łukasz Paluszkiewicz


Strefa PMI nr 24, marzec 2019

Co jakiś czas pojawia się kolejny “buzz word”: reengineering, coaching, agile, lean, SAFe, turkus czy inne słowo, które przewija się w prasie, czy nowych publikacjach książkowych. Bardzo rzadko stawiamy sobie pytanie o to, jakie naukowe dowody stoją za tymi metodami. Wszyscy zaczynają ich używać, więc jeśli my nie będziemy, to na pewno zostaniemy w tyle… Ale czy na pewno?

Strefa Wywiadu
Personal Development

Communicate As If You Were Deaf – interview with Bruno Kahne

Łukasz Paluszkiewicz


Strefa PMI nr 18, wrzesień 2017

An interview with Dr. Bruno Paul Kahne, trainer, facilitator and responsible of the strategy of Airbus Leadership University. By Paulina Szczepaniak and Łukasz Paluszkiewicz Bruno, you’re talking on communication, and what project managers can learn from the Deaf community. It is a very unusual idea. Could you tell us, where it came from? I am a trainer on different topics, including communication. I’ve developed a course on communication using communication models, theories, some games and experimentations. And it was good. People were coming to the course, and they were happy, they were progressing. But one day the sponsor of this course approached me and said he was not happy with the training. I asked him “Why?” He replied that it was not fun enough. Well, I’m not entertainer, I’m a trainer. I am ready to make some efforts, but then the people coming to the course also need to make some efforts. I asked him if he had any concrete recommendation, but he was just critical for the sake of it. So we left in total disagreement. This is the first part of the story.

Strefa Wiedzy

Grumpy T-Rex: The Worst Project Manager Ever

Łukasz Paluszkiewicz


Strefa PMI nr 21, czerwiec 2018

When I was preparing for my first public speech on project management I have noticed that no one ever told me that the theory I was studying is not exactly what I found at work… That is why I had many bad behaviors when I started my first job. Not because I was lacking of knowledge, but because I had it too much. I was complaining a lot that it is not how it should be, that there ought to be better practices implemented, you could count it on and on… But it took me a while to understand that big companies brings some limitations.

Strefa Wywiadu
Personal Development

Power Up Your Virtual Team! – interview with Peter Ivanov

Łukasz Paluszkiewicz


Strefa PMI nr 24, marzec 2019

Let’s define virtual team, because many people get confused and say that virtual team is just the team that never meets. They communicate only over online media and for sure there are such teams, and the number of such teams is not so small. But define the virtual team as the team that is in more than one location. So you may have 2 offices in the same city and you are already in a virtual team. You may have collocated unit and then a couple of satellite members, it is a virtual team. If you have more than one location, or regular home office workers it’s a virtual team. So team that is in more than one location is called virtual, or remote, or distributed, or hybrid, those are all synonyms of the same thing. According to this definition, what do you think are the percentage of the virtual teams globally?

Strefa Wywiadu
Personal Development

Chicken Can Be a Good Leader! – interview with Kimberly Wiefling

Łukasz Paluszkiewicz


Strefa PMI nr 19, listopad 2017

An interview with Kimberly Wiefling, author of Scrappy Project Management, trainer, facilitator and consultant in Silicon Valley Alliances by Łukasz Paluszkiewicz You have decided to submit an abstract for International PMI Poland Chapter Con¬gress for the second year in a row, and you qualified each time. Why have you decided to speak on this event again? Last year’s PMI Poland Chapter congress was such a wonderful experience for me! I felt so warmly welcomed and appreciat¬ed by the people I met. And I also felt the growing importance that Poland is playing in the project management world. On a per¬sonal note, I felt emotionally connected to my Polish colleagues because Poland is the home of my great grandparents, who spoke only Polish.

7 Steps to the True North! Linking Strategy and Action

Łukasz Paluszkiewicz


Strefa PMI nr 23, listopad 2018

Assuming that project is a temporary organization that is created for the purpose of delivering one or more business products according to an agreed Business Case1 why project managers take only lessons learned from other projects and not from organizations? What a project manager can learn from a manager? How to make project team a team, working towards common vision, and common goal? Well, give them a compass.

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