Agile or not – it is still a project! – interview with Darryl Booker

Mirosław Dąbrowski


Strefa PMI nr 13, czerwiec 2016

What is the difference in project vs. product thinking? It all depends on the perspective. Product thinking mindset focuses on “WHAT” needs to be developed; project thinking mindset considers “HOW” to deliver the product. Project thinking encourages innovative solution to be done on time according to Clients requirements, in ideal world beyond Clients expectations. Product thinking mostly should focus on product functionality for the end user, UX cases and optimized business benefits both for Client and Company.

Strefa Wywiadu
Personal Development

Zwinne przywództwo i misja lidera. Tworzenie liderów na zmienne czasy

Malwina Szopa


Strefa PMI nr 46, wrzesień 2024

Z Mariuszem Chrapko konsultantem Agile, autorem książki: Dar przywództwa rozmawia Malwina Szopa

Strefa Wywiadu
Strategy & Business
Technical PM

Ventures in Pursuit of Startup Happiness – interview with Tore Rasmussen

Ewa Serwa


Strefa PMI nr 13, czerwiec 2016

Lean Startup uses scientific method on new ideas. So, instead of writing a really long business plan that is filled with assumptions you start by addressing that all you have are these ideas and assumptions but you don’t know anything. Let’s try to formulate our assumptions into falsifiable hypothesis and let’s identify the most critical assumption and test it with real customers. So, you don’t start building. You take the minimum viable product and you try to test different aspects of your business model on real customers and you get real feedback when you’re early in the ideas. You just test with problem interviews, paper or a prototype and get feedback and you can learn from that. In comparison to agile software development, Lean Startup method suggests to deploy the product to production on the first day. You build something straightaway just to test it and tasks don’t come from uses stories but they come from experiment.

Strefa Wywiadu
Technical PM

Name an Industry and Agile Is There – interview with Mohamed Khalifa Hassan

Łukasz Paluszkiewicz


Strefa PMI nr 23, listopad 2018

For me, Agile is a mindset. This is what the PMI insists to say in their new standard. Agile as a mindset more than tools and techniques. For sure there are different methodologies coming from the same mindset. If you look at Lean for example, Lean is considered as Agile methodology. However Lean was created long time ago. It’s not from 2001 when the Manifesto was made and the Agile principles were created. Agile principles were in use before the software development. That’s why Agile is definitely more mindset than a technique. This is what I want to say first.

Strefa Wywiadu
Technical PM

Are You Implementing Scrum in Your Company? Don’t Miss It!

Szymon Pawłowski


Strefa PMI nr 11, listopad 2015

Scrum is a framework that allows an organization to improve their project development and delivery significantly. In order to achieve that it requires most organizations to change their approach towards software development. A cultural change is needed in the way requirements are gathered, no longer all upfront, but when they are perceived to add value to the actual development effort that will deliver actual value to the end user. Many organizations are either not aware nor willing to change that approach and try to implement Agile Scrum on top of an existing Waterfall approach. If not done carefully many organizations fall back to what they know best (e.g. waterfall) and assume that Agile is not for them.

Strefa Wywiadu

Drive Change, not People – interview with April K. Mills

Monika Zofia Potiopa


Strefa PMI nr 28, marzec 2020

The Agile Manifesto says, “by doing it and helping others do it”. That’s the part of the manifesto that is most often skipped over. When the movement started it was developers trying new methods and many were “doing it and helping others do it”, but now, with enterprise Agile implementations there is much more “telling others how to be Agile” going on. I differentiate the behavior of forcing others to change as driving people and behavior of choosing the Agile change for yourself and clearing the obstacles for others to choose Agile too as driving change. Driving Change is at the heart of the Agile Manifesto because it is the term which defines what we do when we “do it and help others do it”. If you want to be Agile, I think you must Drive Change and should not Drive People.

Strefa Wywiadu
Strategy & Business

Czy Aldi ma to coś również w projektach? – wywiad z Katarzyną Wojnar

Michał Barcik


Strefa PMI nr 40, marzec 2023

Z Katarzyną Wojnar, Customer Strategy Director w ALDI Polska, rozmawia Michał Barcik. Od samego początku wszystko, czym się zajmowałam w swojej karierze zawodowej, oparte było na budowaniu czegoś nowego i wdrażaniu tego w biznesowe życie – nowy dział, nowa strategia, nowa koncepcja, nowe podejście, nowy program, nowy produkt itp. Schemat pracy nie jest innowacyjny – trzeba na początku zrobić research, rozpoznać otoczenie, dalej dobrze zaplanować, następnie zaimplementować i na końcu podsumować, monitorując po drodze efekty, przyrosty i w razie potrzeby dokonać niezbędnych korekt. To jest klasyczne zarządzanie projektami. Trudność polega na tym, że o ile schemat jest dosyć nudny w swojej strukturze, to wymaga dobrego poruszania się po wielowymiarowych i rozproszonych płaszczyznach. Przydaje się myślenie analityczne i szeroki kontekst.

Strefa Wywiadu
Strategy & Business

Disciplined Agile – Is That Something For Your Team? – interview with Klaus Boedker

Martyna Czajka


Strefa PMI nr 40, marzec 2023

One can easily get lost in an always growing number of agile methodologies, approaches, tools and techniques. In the last few years, Disciplined Agile is becoming more visible on the agile map as the must-have toolbox for everyday use for agile teams looking to improve. Don't worry if you missed it before, Klaus will explain its benefits to you. 

Strefa Wywiadu
Strategy & Business

Handling the Unknowable Unknowns – interview with Dave Snowden

Kornelia Trzęsowska


Strefa PMI nr 40, marzec 2023

How important is managing complexity (and chaos) in a time of crisis? Assuming you are referencing the EU Field Guide of that name than very. For the first time, it lays out a comprehensive set of methods and approaches to allow organizations to prepare themselves to handle the unknowable unknowns and also, the unknown known. The first is by focusing on creating an organization that has the ability to respond dynamically to uncertainty as it emerges and the second is by using employees as a human sensor network, to allow leaders to find people who are seeing things that other people are missing.

Strefa Wywiadu
Personal Development

Discipline of Work and Life – interview with Scott Ambler

Weronika Makać


Strefa PMI nr 38, Wrzesień 2022

The conversation with Scott Ambler, co-creator of Disciplined Agile (DA), driven by Weronika Makać and Jan Orłowski. At the end of July 2022, you officially left the role of Vice President and Chief Scientist of Disciplined Agile at the Project Management Institute. Can you explain to us why you and Mark made this decision? We started on August 1, 2019, when PMI purchased our organization. Contrary to popular belief, there was no agreement in our contract to stay for these three years, only for a minimum of 90 days. 3 years is a lot of time and we stayed that time because we believe in the PMI mission and a lot of good things happened here.

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