Strefa Wywiadu
Strategy & Business

Identify Benefits to Drive Business Results – interview with Beth Partleton

Justyna Jakubów


Strefa PMI nr 15, listopad 2016

The Pulse report subtitle is The Strategic Impact of Projects: Identify Benefits to Drive Business Results. We see fewer projects meeting original goals and business intent or being completed within budget. More projects are failing and creating substantial monetary loss for their organizations. Further discussion is needed to understand why organizations do not fully appreciate that strategic initiatives are projects and programs. We suspect this disconnect may result because so few organizations monitor and measure the benefits that projects and programs deliver across a business.

Strefa Wywiadu
Strategy & Business

O przywództwie w różnorodnym pokoleniowo środowisku

Paweł Dudek


Strefa PMI nr 46, wrzesień 2024

Z Dariuszem Użyckim, rozmawia Paweł Dudek Change Manager, certyfikowany instruktor metodyki Prosci®

Strefa Wywiadu
Strategy & Business

Projects Deliver No Value! – interview with Mark Smalley

Mark Smalley


Strefa PMI nr 9, czerwiec 2015

Where ASL offers guidance how to provide applications and related services, the Business Information Services Library offers guidance to business people who “consume” IT as a business asset. Their concerns are typically: How much budget should I allocate to information and technology, as opposed to other business assets such as people, machines, buildings? What kind of information and technology do I need to help my business both survive and succeed? How do I deal effectively with the IT department? How do I ensure that the users actually realize the value from the significant investments? How can I demonstrate that I am managing information and technology in accordance with its importance to the organization?

Strefa Wywiadu
Strategy & Business

Wdrożenie AI a zarządzanie zmianą – lekcje, wyzwania, sukcesy – wywiad z Łukaszem Dwulitem

Paweł Dudek


Strefa PMI nr 45, czerwiec 2024

Z pewnością rozwój AI przyniesie nowe wyzwania związane z bezpieczeństwem i prywatnością danych. Niemniej jednak, jestem przekonany, że świadome i stabilne zarządzanie tymi technologiami oraz stworzenie odpowiednich regulacji, pozwoli nam bardziej skupić się na korzyściach, które sztuczna inteligencja może nam przynieść i ograniczy potencjalne ryzyka związane z tą transformacją.

Strefa Wywiadu
Strategy & Business

Seeing the World Through ADKAR Glasses. Why Change Management is Indispensable in Business? – interview with Scott McAllister

Kamila Czerniak


Strefa PMI nr 45, czerwiec 2024

Through the pandemic, organizations worldwide shared a very similar experience, and leaders worldwide realized they’re in the people business irrespective of their industry. So, I think the pandemic actually helped to put the discipline of change management more into the spotlight. I challenge our discipline members: it’s our time to shine, but this window won’t stay open forever, so we really have to demonstrate value. However, I think more and more leaders now understand that just knowing the right answer is not enough. We must bring our teams along on the journey, even if we’re unsure of how to do so. But more and more leaders are starting to realize the value of adoption, contribution to business outcomes, not just having the strongest technical solution.

Strefa Wywiadu
Strategy & Business
Technical PM

Ventures in Pursuit of Startup Happiness – interview with Tore Rasmussen

Ewa Serwa


Strefa PMI nr 13, czerwiec 2016

Lean Startup uses scientific method on new ideas. So, instead of writing a really long business plan that is filled with assumptions you start by addressing that all you have are these ideas and assumptions but you don’t know anything. Let’s try to formulate our assumptions into falsifiable hypothesis and let’s identify the most critical assumption and test it with real customers. So, you don’t start building. You take the minimum viable product and you try to test different aspects of your business model on real customers and you get real feedback when you’re early in the ideas. You just test with problem interviews, paper or a prototype and get feedback and you can learn from that. In comparison to agile software development, Lean Startup method suggests to deploy the product to production on the first day. You build something straightaway just to test it and tasks don’t come from uses stories but they come from experiment.

Strefa Wywiadu
Strategy & Business
Technical PM

PMOs Should Speak the Language of Business – interview with J. Kent Crawford

Szymon Pawłowski


Strefa PMI nr 6, wrzesień 2014

Where companies are doing PPM without the PMO, I wonder: are they managing the portfolio strategy? I would contend they are not; I would contend that’s part of the execution of the strategy. The strategy, the strategic objectives, the goals, for what comes in the future year, should be generating the drivers, the determinants for what then you use to structure the portfolio. Then the project management office or demand office, or whatever we call this, uses these drivers to build the business cases. Some organizations have great alignment for organizations between strategy and execution but where that is lacking, we’ve got to fill the gap. The steps that come after the identification of the strategy and the initiatives that will fulfill it, those steps are not really performed in a strategy office. The PMO needs to cover that.

Strefa Wywiadu
Strategy & Business

ESG – zmiana dla ludzi i planety – wywiad z Filipem Wójcikiem

Paweł Dudek


Strefa PMI nr 44, marzec 2024

ESG (ang. Environmental, Social i Governance) to już swego rodzaju nowa rzeczywistość (bo trendem tego nazwać nie można), która niejako wymusza na firmach, aby zaadresowały w swoich działaniach potrzeby nie tylko właściciela czy akcjonariusza, ale także pozostałych interesariuszy, jak chociażby pracowników, klientów oraz środowisko naturalne. Zmiana też nie jest nagła. I chociaż możemy cofnąć się do pierwszych kroków w stronę ESG jeszcze w XX wieku, to takim dużym kamieniem milowym było porozumienie paryskie z 2015 roku, określające redukcję globalnych emisji. Jeżeli nic nie zrobimy, będą nasilać się ryzyka fizyczne (np. susze, huragany, powodzie), co również negatywnie odbije się na życiu i zdrowiu ludzi oraz kondycji gospodarki. Pamiętajmy jednak, że ESG jest szerszym obszarem niż tylko klimat i nie powinniśmy tego pojęcia spłycać. Mówimy też tutaj o prawach człowieka (w tym pracowniczych) i sposobie zarządzania organizacją.

Strefa Wywiadu
Strategy & Business
Technical PM

Project Management in Clinical Trials – a Healthy and Sustainable Future – interview with Agata Bloswick

Kornelia Trzęsowska


Strefa PMI nr 43, listopad 2023

Clinical project management uniqueness lies in its specific application within the drug development industry.  Our focus is on testing new medicines on patients, involving human experimentation. As a result, we must adhere to a multitude of ethical and regulatory principles alongside the standard project management principles.

Strefa Wywiadu
Strategy & Business
Technical PM

Thriving in Chaos: Unlocking the Secrets of Strategic Luck in a Disruptive World – interview with Jonathan Brill

Ryszard Kołodziej


Strefa PMI nr 43, listopad 2023

We’re clearly moving into a world that is more disruptive and where there’s more randomness in our businesses and our lives. And that means that we need to think differently about how we interact. With the world moving forward, instead of focusing first on optimization and efficiency, we need to focus first on resilience and flexibility because when you do that, you create dramatically better outcomes over time. There are three basic things that you can do to increase your resilience and flexibility. The first and most important thing is to become aware of the range of things that are possible. If you believe that the range of things that are possible are only those that you’ve experienced in your lifetime, then we’re in for a big Surprise!

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