Strefa Wiedzy
Strategy & Business

Customer Value Should Be at the Heart of Every Business Process

Jarosław Ściślak


Strefa PMI nr 42, wrzesień 2023

To tell customer centricity is a must would be an understatement. And a cliché. The problem is that companies begin and end with that in the sales department. Meanwhile the modern market requires a new approach. The one with multiple brand touchpoints and a holistic strategy to back it up. Today customer value should be generated by the entire company – from HR department, through delivery, ending (not beginning) with marketing and sales.

Strefa Praktyki

Celownik komunikacyjny – precyzyjnie w interesariuszy projektu

Kamil Winnicki


Strefa PMI nr 27, listopad 2019

„Największe osiągnięcia ludzkości tworzone są w rozmowie, a jej największe niepowodzenia są skutkiem braku rozmowy. Nie musi tak być. Nasze największe marzenia mogą stać się rzeczywistością. Z technologią, którą dysponujemy możliwości są nieograniczone. Wszystko, co musimy zrobić, to upewnić się, że wciąż rozmawiamy.” S. Hawking W dobie automatyzacji procesów biznesowych i coraz szybszego przetwarzania informacji, zarówno przez ludzi jak i komputery, sprawna i skuteczna komunikacja staje się kluczową kwestią. Metodyki zarządzania projektami i ich twórcy kładą szczególny nacisk na ten element zarządzania, traktując go jako łącznik wszystkich innych aspektów i główne ryzyko.

Strefa Praktyki
Case Studies

Advanced Project Management – Think Like an Entrepreneur!

Małgorzata Kusyk


Strefa PMI nr 40, marzec 2023

For this special 40th edition of Strefa PMI, I want to present a different approach to project management. So, when I was looking for a topic for this article, I thought I would ask ChatGPT for some help. In response to the question: “What are the topics project management experts are searching for?” in just in few minutes ChatGPT had produced 10 ideas. The first two of them are: 1. Advanced project management techniques and methodologies, such as hybrid approaches to Agile and Waterfall. 2. Emerging tools and technologies in project management, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Strefa Wywiadu
Strategy & Business
Technical PM

Megaprojects Should Focus on Sustainability – interview with Virginia A. Greiman

Szymon Pawłowski


Strefa PMI nr 8, marzec 2015

The Big Dig was the largest project in the United States, it was 15 billion dollars upon completion, although originally estimated at 2.5 billion. And the primary reason for the growth was the fact that design development had not evolved until later on in the project. The Big Dig was a concept that was originated by 2 designers in the Massachusetts State Transportation Authority who had a vision about the future of Boston. In the 1950s when the interstate system was being funded in Massachusetts by the federal government they were funding 90 percent of our state highway projects. Unfortunately, when the interstate reached Boston it went above ground, because we did not have the technology in the 1950s to put highways underground through an inner city.

Strefa Praktyki

Specifics of Project Delivery for non-IT Mature Enterprise Clients

Grzegorz Piątkowski


Strefa PMI nr 33, Czerwiec 2021

Most successful software development companies sooner or later come to a challenging moment in their journey – the start of providing services for enterprise type of customers. In this brief, I’ll shed some light on why it’s challenging and what to pay attention to, to smoothen things up and increase chances for delivering expected outcomes.

Strefa Studenta
Project Management

Hoover Dam – the Greatest Project in Times of the Great Depression. What Can Be Done to Achieve Success?

Nikita Shtemenko


Strefa PMI nr 32, Marzec 2021

The Hoover Dam project was launched more than 80 years ago in times of the Great Depression. It was finished under the budget and 3 years before the deadline. One of the greatest projects of its time as one of the case studies for project managers. What lessons can we learn from this unique project and how to achieve success even in the hardest economic environment?

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