Rodolfo Martins

Trilingual Senior Project Manager for Business and Technology with 13 years experience leading strategic Global projects in Private and Public Companies of Services (Banking and Education), Chemical (Dermocosmetics and Sanitary) and Industrial (Technology, Food and Automotive Parts) for Multinational Companies such like HSBC, Dell, Pearson, IBM, Unilever, Goodyear and more. Academic background presents a Higher Degree in Communication and post-graduations in MBA in Project Management, MBA in Business Strategy and Management and also MBA in Marketing plus CSM, SFC, SFPC and DEPC Certifications. Brazilian by Heart and a World citizen, undertakes to manage projects with Excellence to turn life better through Good Practices, Harmony and Good & Assertive communication suitable for all. His Mission in Life is to build a good Legacy to the World.
Strefa Wiedzy
Technical PM

The forgotten art of expectations management

Rodolfo Martins


Strefa PMI nr 27, listopad 2019

You are on the phone, stuck in a report meeting already exceeding the scheduled timeframe, listening to your Customer’s comments about monthly results and thinking on the next meeting round starting in the sequence. As if all that weren’t enough, new instant messages pop on your screen: it is asking you to provide yet another “as soon as possible” actions to the project stakeholders. Sounds familiar to you? I guess so.

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