Strefa Wywiadu
Personal Development

Language as a Bridge: The power of communication over perfection

Paweł Dudek


Strefa PMI nr 47, listopad 2024

Piotr, you speak seven languages. How did you do it? I usually say "hold my beer" and then I tell a long story :) The story is indeed a long one and it began nearly 25 years ago. At that time, I failed one of the two university entrance exams. In order to retake it, I decided to study German philology, just for a year, to improve my German, which by the way, I had already been studying for nearly a decade. A year later, I passed the exam, but unfortunately, I did not succeed in the second one. As a result, I remained in the German philology program with the intention of leveraging later my German language skills in my career. This path eventually led me to my first role in the industry. In my second company I was quickly promoted (at just 27 years old) and became Sales Director for Central and Eastern Europe. My responsibilities included building the company’s operations from scratch in over 20 countries, participating in international trade fairs and negotiating contracts. Soon I realized that in addition to improve my English, which was at the time truly indispensable at the time, I also need to learn Russian as quickly as possible. This was the last language I studied with a teacher and even though the process took less than two years. Learning subsequent languages became significantly faster, I could reach a level of comfortable in just a few weeks for each of one. What truly accelerated my progress were the frequent opportunities to apply my skills and the conclusion that foreign languages are, in essence, tools for building relationships. The stronger the relationships I wanted to cultivate, the faster I needed to master a particular language. I fully immersed myself in each language and sought ways to enhance my productivity, tailoring the learning process to fit my daily routine and lifestyle. This approach proved to be a real game changer.

Strefa Wiedzy
Technical PM

Power Skills in the AI World

Agnieszka Maria Gasperini


Strefa PMI nr 45, czerwiec 2024

Power skills, traditionally known as soft skills, encompass a range of interpersonal abilities that are crucial for success in the workplace, particularly for project teams. Power skills include interpersonal skills such as communication, problem-solving, collaborative leadership and strategic thinking. These skills are essential for project professionals who lead teams, engage stakeholders, and navigate challenges in project plans. They are increasingly recognized as drivers of productivity, employee engagement, and overall organizational success.

Strefa Praktyki

Emocje zakodowane, czyli zarządzanie w projektach IT

Magdalena Hajost


Strefa PMI nr 43, listopad 2023

Realizacja projektów informatycznych, zwłaszcza tych kluczowych o strategicznym znaczeniu dla organizacji może nieść ze sobą intensywne emocje i stres, przede wszystkim gdy sytuacja wymyka się spod kontroli i projekt „nie idzie” tak jak powinien. Wymagające terminy, piętrzące się problemy i wyzwania, zdemotywowany zespół projektowy, to tylko wierzchołek góry lodowej, z którą mierzy się prawie każdy kierownik takiego projektu. Pojawiają się emocje i stres, które nie pomagają w napiętej już atmosferze. Dlatego w momencie próby uzdrowienia sytuacji kluczowa może okazać się rola zarządzania emocjami. Z jednej strony po to, by utrzymać zdrowe środowisko pracy a z drugiej, może okaże się ono szansą na sukces takiego projektu.

Strefa Wiedzy

Workforce of the Future

Agnieszka Maria Gasperini


Strefa PMI nr 43, listopad 2023

PMI’s Global Megatrends 2022 report highlights six major themes – Digital Disruption, Climate Crisis, Demographic Shifts, Economic Shifts, Labor Shortages and Civil, Civic and Equality Movements. Of course, mega trends are always a simplification and they do not all affect everyone, every company or industry on the planet to the same extent. But they are very important CONTEXTUAL elements. They present opportunities to CONTRIBUTE, as project managers, to some of the world’s most pressing challenge, but also because understanding them, having a point of view, helps us all be better and more effective at dealing with MOST of the principles that PMI refers to, in PMBOK® Guide –  Seventh Edition.

Strefa Wiedzy

How Can Dance Boost Our Power Skills?

Agnieszka Maria Gasperini


Strefa PMI nr 41, czerwiec 2023

The most recent PMI Pulse of the Profession research focuses heavily on Power Skills — also known as interpersonal skills or soft skills such as communication, problem-solving and collaborative leadership — are proving essential for project professionals. They are at the heart of leading successful teams, engaging stakeholders, and conquering challenges to the project plan. Technical skills enable project managers to chart the path from the start of a project to close, but power skills are how they bring the entire team along for the journey to execute a common vision.

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