Global Collaboration in Agile Teams: How Cultural Diversity Fuels Innovation

Karina Ostapiuk


Strefa PMI nr 47, listopad 2024

Diversity isn't just about having more people from different backgrounds; it’s about unlocking a wealth of perspectives that drive innovation. In business, these perspectives translate into real numbers: according to Harvard Business Review (2020), culturally diverse teams generate 19% more revenue from innovation compared to their homogeneous counterparts. This shows that teams with varied cultural backgrounds not only accelerate innovation cycles but also create products that resonate with users and develop adaptable solutions —essential elements for thriving in agile environments.

Strefa Wiedzy
Technical PM

Power Skills in the AI World

Agnieszka Maria Gasperini


Strefa PMI nr 45, czerwiec 2024

Power skills, traditionally known as soft skills, encompass a range of interpersonal abilities that are crucial for success in the workplace, particularly for project teams. Power skills include interpersonal skills such as communication, problem-solving, collaborative leadership and strategic thinking. These skills are essential for project professionals who lead teams, engage stakeholders, and navigate challenges in project plans. They are increasingly recognized as drivers of productivity, employee engagement, and overall organizational success.

Strefa Wywiadu
Personal Development
Technical PM

How to Elevate Collaboration Between PMO and Project Managers? – interview with Bruno Morgante 

Kamila Czerniak


Strefa PMI nr 44, marzec 2024

PMOs exist for a reason and the reason is not always the same. It might be very different between companies and between industries but I would go at the organizational level because even in the same industry you might find two companies that from the outside are doing the same but they do it in a very different way. So it’s not industry-driven, it’s organizational-driven in my experience. 

Strefa Wiedzy

When Teal Organizations Are No Longer Enough – Cyan Stem Cell Teams

Sebastian Pióro


Strefa PMI nr 42, wrzesień 2023

The roots of practical management theories and trends can be traced back to the natural process of forming managerial structures. However, for a long time, these theories and trends remained unnamed. With the development of science in the 19th century, not only was what had been practiced for millennia given names but also directions were sought in which management science would evolve. Thus, management transitioned from a pre-scientific period, mainly focusing on organizing enterprises in a military form (also known as “red management”), to scientific justification and the interdisciplinary nature of management sciences.

Strefa Wywiadu
Personal Development

Power Up Your Virtual Team! – interview with Peter Ivanov

Łukasz Paluszkiewicz


Strefa PMI nr 24, marzec 2019

Let’s define virtual team, because many people get confused and say that virtual team is just the team that never meets. They communicate only over online media and for sure there are such teams, and the number of such teams is not so small. But define the virtual team as the team that is in more than one location. So you may have 2 offices in the same city and you are already in a virtual team. You may have collocated unit and then a couple of satellite members, it is a virtual team. If you have more than one location, or regular home office workers it’s a virtual team. So team that is in more than one location is called virtual, or remote, or distributed, or hybrid, those are all synonyms of the same thing. According to this definition, what do you think are the percentage of the virtual teams globally?

Strefa Praktyki
Case Studies

Kodeks rycerski, zaklęcia i eliksiry, czyli interdyscyplinarne podejście do rozwiązywania problemów w projekcie

Kamila Słowik


Strefa PMI nr 28, marzec 2020

Wcale nie tak dawno temu, ani jakoś specjalnie daleko, w krainie kodem płynącej (czyli naszym Software House), w pocie czoła, pracował zespół deweloperski – dowożąc kolejne story pointy. Niestety, bajka nie zdążyła się jeszcze na dobre rozpocząć, a już na jej kartach pojawiły się znaczące rysy. Każdy, kto przeżył projektową historię na własnej skórze, wie, że sielanka nigdy nie trwa długo. Ale jak każda bajka, przy dużej dawce wiedzy, ogromnym nakładzie pracy i szczerej chęci wzajemnego zrozumienia, również najbardziej skomplikowana rzeczywistość projektowa może zakończyć się happy endem.

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